COVID-19 Alert: Carlsbad Pest Control Company is still open for business. We have put in place and will continue to re-enforce safety measures to protect our staff, our customers and the people of California.


bed bugs infestations

Legal Implications of Bed Bug Infestations: Tenant and Landlord Responsibilities

Bed bug infestations can be a big problem for both renters and landlords, causing discomfort stress, and costing a lot of money. Knowing the legal responsibilities of both parties is important to handle these issues well. In this blog post, we’ll look at what landlords and tenants in California need to do about bed bug […]

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Pest Control for Specific Locations or Industries: Tackling Unique Challenges

Pest control is an important but often overlooked part of managing buildings and properties. Whether you’re running a busy restaurant, a fancy hotel, a school full of students, or a big farm, pests can cause big problems if you don’t deal with them properly. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the challenges these places face

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Pigeon Pest Control

Pigeons are monogamous and lay anything from one to two eggs, hatching around eighteen days after the pigeon has laid the eggs. Pigeons can produce young only during the mating season. Pigeons will maintain the same pair bond throughout their whole lives. Pigeon milk is fed to young pigeons and made from food that male

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Opossum Pest Control

Why do I keep finding opossums in my yard? Large marsupials known as opossums are indigenous to the rural regions around southern California. Still, they have been driven from their natural habitats due to human activity. Opossums have had little choice but to adapt to human culture and learn to live near people due to

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bed bug on yellow sheets | Pest Control Carlsbad | Exterminator Carlsbad

6 maneras fáciles de tratar las picaduras de chinches

Las chinches son insectos no voladores de forma ovalada que se alimentan de sus anfitriones (humanos y animales) durante la noche. Estos molestos insectos prefieren esconderse en lugares suaves y cálidos como colchones, sofás y ropa, y sus picaduras dejan pequeñas marcas en la piel. Aunque estas picaduras son generalmente inofensivas, deben tratarse de inmediato

6 maneras fáciles de tratar las picaduras de chinches Read More »