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Pre-Purchase Pest Inspection | Residential Commercial Pest Control | Pest Control Carlsbad | Exterminator Carlsbad | Carlsbad Pest Control

Pre-Purchase Pest Inspection: Catch Pests Before They Do Damage to Your New Home

Damages caused by pests can be very costly. In fact, termite infestations can amount to 5 billion dollars in the US per year. No one wants this added expense on their list when they’re purchasing a home, that’s why it’s highly recommended for pest inspections to be done before signing any housing contracts. The process itself generally includes searching for any pests that can cause damage or pose a health hazard.

Common Household-Pests

Below is a list of common pests that can infest the average household. Take note, that it’s not only the pest itself that you should look out for, but also possible areas they can live in, or ways they can get into your house, particularly the pantry and kitchen area.

Reasons for Pre-Purchase Pest Inspection

Human Safety

The key reason for the procedure is your family’s safety. Some pests are a health hazard, and it is crucial to know before committing to the purchase. Rodents transmit harmful diseases to humans like the plague while causing damage to the home structure and your other items. Bees and spiders sting people while cockroaches feed on stored food items. Human contamination occurs through pest droppings, urine, and saliva.

Prior Knowledge of Common Pests

You are in a position to know beforehand the common pest problems to encounter in your home. The pre-inspection report helps you to know how much to invest in controlling the pests.

Increases Negotiation Power

A pest inspection before completion of the sales contract gives the home actual value. When there are incidences of pests in the property, you can negotiate for a reduction in the price and make you pay a fairer price for the home.

Uncovering Hidden Issues

When conducting the procedure for your new home, you may discover other issues not captured in the home inspection report. You will assess the material quality, construction, and other elements that have a direct correlation to pest presence in your home.

Avoid Future Regrets

Conducting the procedure saves you from costly repairs and pest eradication measures. You will prevent endangering your family’s health and property. Make the purchase confidently that you will not regret in the future.

Pest Inspection Procedure

Save yourself hundreds of dollars by performing a pest inspection several times a year. The procedure should highlight the preferred places pests hide and how they enter our homes.

Inspection of Problem Areas

Begin by identifying the problem areas in your home that harbor or attract pests. Some of the control measures to keep pests away include:

Identify Entry Points

Inspect the house basement, attic, crawlspace, and main floor. Watch for spaces where rodents and roaches enter the home. The entry points for pests into the property include missing or torn window screens, large cracks on door and window frames, missing vent covers around the structure, gaps around cables and pipes.

Identify Suspected Pests

You conclude the available pest inspection and choose the best treatment plan to deal with the infestation. Identification includes:

Pest Control Checklist

It is a document used in pest inspection and assists you know areas that have pest infestation and the required treatment method. A pest control checklist is made effective by doing:

Best Pesticides

 An effective pesticide to eliminate the pest should be:


Conducting a pest inspection ensures that you and your loved ones are kept safe inside your own home. There is always the option of you doing the pest inspection yourself and saving a few bucks, but if you don’t have enough experience or confidence to do it, know that most pest control companies offer pest inspections either as a separate service or as part of a service package.

ABOUT <font color="#d17e1a"< US

We are a locally owned full service residential and commercial pest control company that provides top-notch and timely pest control exterminator service
to our clients. 

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